I got gifted a lovely present for my birthday last weekend.... a cold. I have a couple of go-to remedies that work wonders and I thought I would share with you.
When you get a cold the typical symptoms at the start of a cold is headache, body ache and mild temperature. An interesting observation is that people jump straight to asking if it could be COVID-19 but these were the symptoms of a cold even before COVID-19 existed. Anyway, getting back to the symptoms.
Magical combination remedy is a Korean herb tonic tea called "Ssanghwa-tang" (쌍화탕) and paracetamol tables (e.g. Panadol, Panamax, Tylenol):

The active ingredients are:
Radix Angelicae Gigantis (aka Korean Angelica) - antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
Fructus Zizyphil Jujubae - purify blood and increase blood circulation
Rhizoma Zingiberis Saccatum - effects nervous system, acting as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
Radix Astragali - improve immune system and symptoms of chronic fatigue
Cortex Cinnamomi - improve blood circulation and Yang Qi in the kidney
Rhizoma Cnidii - improve kidney and liver health
Radix Glycyrrhizae - life enhancer, treatment of coughs and influenza and for detoxification
You can get this herbal tonic drink in Korean grocery stores or at an Eastern herbalist store. In addition to this, for a simple home remedy the help warm your body and boost immunity, ginger and cinnamon tea (boiled lightly for 20 min).... and lots of water and rest.
Ginger and cinnamon tea is great as an everyday tea to keep the cold away.
Take care and stay healthy!
Nice! Thanks for the tip. I'm going to try the Ssangwha tang next